There are so many reasons to go to Flea Markets, but for me flea markets are just wonderful for my soul. I am in my element! I love the whole process...arriving wondering what you will find and then walking in and out of barns, up and down rows of tents and boothes. Looking for those pieces that catch your eye....looking at something and figuring out how you can use it....the key to this is not neccessarily what it is intended to be used for, but what YOU can use it for! My least favorite part of the process has to be the loading of the truck phase...its like putting a puzzle together....and then you have to figure out the best way to arrange the bunges so your finds don't fly away while you are tooling along the highway. Then the fun begins...during the drive home I rearrange the shop in my mind...ok so if I move this, then I have to move this, and then if I move that, where will the other thing go? This is is what goes through my mind the whole drive home. Once it is figured out I am ready to drop off the items at the shop and clean them up just a bit....and maybe paint a few pieces. Then the destruction process begins. Whenever something is moved in the shop, something else has to be moved to make room AND then something else has to be moved to take the spot of the previous item and as you can imagine it goes on from there. VERY rarely does it occur that two items can just be swapped out...at least for me that never happens! This is really where the fun is...I get to see if my vision was everything I thought it would be.
Doors and windows ALWAYS catch my eye because they offer a way of dividing a room and still allow light to filter through. Trunks and crates...not the kind that have been redone and look shiny and new, but the ones that have that old weathered look to them. Trunks make fabulous coffee tables and storage bins. I love putting old crates on the walls in a grouping or by themselves for shelves to display on....old drawers are good for this too! Chairs are always a great find...they can be used by themselves in a corner with a quilt draped over them...or find different types to place around a dining room or kitchen table. Chairs can be hung on a wall or placed on a table to add heighth wherever it is needed.
Alright enough chit chat about great flea market finds....lets see the transformation the shop took on thanks to a trip to the flea market.
The infamous mantel....isn't she pretty?????