Well readers....we have returned! Now you maybe wondering where did we go? Let me put you in the know :)
Let's go back to Thursday July 12...it is 2:45 a.m. and my alarm is going off! Not only do I have a 6:00 a.m. flight to catch...I am finishing up my house/dogsitting duties...and arriving at my parents' house by 4:15 to leave for the airport. I arrive early (not usual for me in the least!) and we set off for the airport...we arrive before the security gates are opened to get into our terminal...maybe we were a little TOO anxious...but better safe than sorry (or in our case better tired than late!). We finally board our plane and we notice it is after 6:00 and people are continuing to file in...seriously do they really hold the plane if you are running late? We find out no that isn't the case...apparently there is a bit of a scuffle at security! People throwing punches...yelling...and one tries to walk past security! Okay so better safe than sorry really does seem to be true...
Surprisingly we arrive in Atlanta as scheduled...8:40 a.m....we head to pick up our luggage and then make our journey to the Marta...for our ride into the city. Now I am going to fill you in on a phobia of mine...escalators...now I have to ride them the entire time we are at Market...I doubt a day goes by when we don't ride an escalator...I can handle those...they are regular...floor to floor. The ones I am referring to go on FOREVER...you have to ride it for over a minute...the ones that bring you up from the Marta at Peach Tree Center...my palms sweat and my breathing turns shallow...I kid you not! So I found a way to cope with the inevitable ride up from the Marta...I stared at my feet...and didn't EVEN think of glancing up or down...it WORKED....now I don't have to worry about that again until January...whewww!
So on to the important stuff (enough about me!)....we start our day in Building #3...this is where we find our baubles...now most we can buy and take with us...but we do have a few lines that are strictly order...which is good too! As we load bag after bag on to our rolling briefcase...we decide to journey over to Building #1, 20th floor and start checking out the showrooms there.
Brief interruption....Market is made up of 3 buildings...#1 (Merchandise Mart) has 20 floors...this is where we find our holiday showrooms and home decor items. Building #2 (Gift Mart) has 18 floors...this is where we find nice lines that offer small items at lower price points (usually). Building #3 (Apparel Mart) is home to jewelry and accessories...it never seems to fail to be the busiest of all 3...if you don't like crowds good luck in Building #3. Buildings #1 & #3 have floors for temporary boothes to be set up...see below for more on this!
We shop until the 11th hour (really just until 6)....we finally go check into our hotel, get a slice of Pizza from Peach Center Mall...and fall into bed by 9:00 p.m....the sun had not fully set yet...but we were TIRED!!!!
Friday morning finds us refreshed and rejuvinated and ready to find some great stuff! We start off in the temporaries...and find some truly unique items that we are VERY excited about! I for one found a whole new appreciation for the Temps...we ordered from lots of new companies! We then head back to Building #1 around 5...we have until 8 this evening for our shopping pleasure...AND we use every minute!
I had originally thought to tie up any loose ends in my Fall/Christmas orders, but after looking at the new things out...I just felt that we had done a great job of ordering in January and we were finished with Fall/Christmas...so I placed my Spring 2008 orders...ooooh I am sooo excited about the things I have ordered so far...to be unveiled beginning of Feb 2008:)
Alright really Saturday on is just a blur to me...we were there until Tuesday evening...I know we ordered some great things...and got some AWESOME ideas...So I will fill you in on some lines we picked up...a vintage letterpress line (the cards are cranked out by hand!)....a new fragrance line with candles and diffusers that are created just across the bridge in University City, MO....some pewter accessories...great vintage doorknobs repurposed into wine stoppers (LOVE them!)....AND the list could go on and on...but you will just have to pop in to see me from time to time through the rest of the year ;)
Oh and sorry I forgot to snap some shots for you...I WILL remember in January...promise!
Sunday, July 22, 2007
We're baaack....
Posted by dahlias at 9:08 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Hope everyone enjoys their holiday and remembers how lucky we are to be able to live our lives as we choose...and have the freedom we do! Most especially remember those who are serving NOW...they are sacrificing for US. Please offer a prayer for a 24 year old St. Louis soldier who was killed in Iraq just 2 weeks ago. THANK YOU Lt. Dan Riordan for your sacrifice...we are FOREVER grateful!
Posted by dahlias at 3:53 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Our Favs...Right Now!
I thought I would fill the pages with some of our favorite things at the moment! Enjoy!

This FRESH colored striped & polka dot quilt will freshen ANY room with a new look!
Queen Size Quilt with 2 Shams and a Filled Neck Roll Pillow.

Imagine the possibilities.....
Yes that is Christmas in July...but the beauty is the mantle!
Thanks to RoseMary for unearthing this gem hidden in her attic....we Love it!

Posted by dahlias at 10:48 AM 4 comments